Yo I’ll call in the Eagles
Like me I picked Zaine cause it’s like Zen
I mean what’s ur fav content creator or player cause you could base it off them
I’ll also be on everyday apart from maybe having to do loads of homework so if I’m not on it’s cause that
I’ll be up for it I’m Plat 3 I think u are two and just to let you know I can’t hit open nets but as some people know I can hit musty double taps sooooo ye
@LeKriliq @julia11 @wxshed_ guys chill just stop arguing you are all cool and good guys just stop no one cares that you are here at this point if you beg you beg womp womp just shut up now I’m bored of the like 1000 motifications I’m getting just pls chill out if you don’t like each other don’t message
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