Last seen 1 day ago
Epic Games
RallyBoi21's clips
Blink congrats
What would you like to do Blink I can either help you do anything on RL or help you win a tourney until we win one or play but we already do but still. Congrats 🥳
Little bit about me
There is a little bit about me only Plat 3 anyone wanna help me grind? Any passers freestylers?
Sitting in Freeplay accidentally hitting an alr pinch not the best speed but ye! Also tryna get to 10 followers doing a wheel have a nice day
Progression pack Pt1
Part 1 of progression pack I will do the other half later. I should’ve probs done the ranked ones before progression but who cares!
Timelapse of me playing first game I carried with so many gowls
Playing twos finally had techy tm8s Timelapse lol
Messing around
Sat in free play and messing around. The clip is long but you get to see me fail in every way! lol 😂
Day 4 of ground Pinches
Guys I have completed my challenge of over 110kph! I am surprised it only took 4 days! Wrote in comments what mechanic I should do next!! Thank you all for your support.
Flip reset
Practicing Flip resets
Just hit diamond and ranked down again but practicing consistent flip reset I’m ok what do you think?
Day 3 Pinches
Got close on second attempt but didn’t really get a pinch. Say three tryna get over 110 of Ground pinch! Write some different mechs in comments for next time!!
Why bro gotta Forfeit!
Just playing hoops when tm8 forfeits when winning but I was there so luckily we won! 😂
Pinches Day 1
Every day until ground pinch over 110kph! Comment what mechanic I should try do next??
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