What do you need help with?
The game Rocket League
Your query relates to the game itself, such as an in-game technical issue, missing items or refunds.
Suggest a new feature
You want to suggest a new feature that would make RL Garage even better, or vote for suggestions other users suggested before.
Submit a bug report
You found a bug on the RL Garage App or Website and want to report it.
You want to see what we're currently working on to improve RL Garage or check out the latest improvements we completed recently.
Unfortunately we can’t help you - we're just a fan site for the game. For any issues relating specifically to the game, please contact Psyonix. Psyonix develops Rocket League and they are the only people who can resolve in-game bugs or consider feature suggestions. You can submit a ticket via their support site by clicking below:
Contact Psyonix Known issuesWe are NOT the official site for Rocket League. Any enquiries relating to the game should be sent to Psyonix using the form available at Rocket League Support.
Before creating a ticket, please first check our Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you are appealing a ban, please first consider our Community Rules. All bans are issued for a reason with supporting evidence. It is incredibly rare that bans are overturned on appeal. Do not submit a ticket if you've broken any of these rules, your account will not be restored.
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