
@zhogeo That would be a better question for @PRISM_RL . He's the one running this whole project, so he should have an answer for you.

@zhogeo Just practice. Also, make a car preset similar to the last few designs I made on here. The green ones.

Thank you for advertising my team. Btw, If anyone sees this post, I made a discussion to sign up for team Green Arrows.

Team Green Arrows is Joining the Competition. Any suggestions on image editors to make a team Image like the one you did @Infinityy_RL ?

@MidKnight_171 For example, this design might look nice, and I think it pops. https://rocket-league.com/design/4f725cd6bcf90ad86d61c833b9f106810977c5678de254ced5584cf267e7d213

@Infinityy_RL Noice. I got you.

@Infinityy_RL Thank you so much. It is an honor to be added to the roster. Btw, I love making designs, so If you want me to make some more team car designs I would be happy to.

You should do try-outs and then those that do not make it into Team Air Force can divide into their own teams for your RLGS idea. For example, Team Green Arrow (Read my top comment).

I would like to propose another team name or a possible allied team that you could train with. I am not very good, but I unfortunately have only be able to play Sideswipe for the past 3 years due to the fact that I started my account on a school computer that I no longer have access to, and I do not currently have a PC or Console at home. I will fix that as soon as I can, but I digress.Team-name/Allied team Idea:Green ArrowsCar designs similar to my most recent Diesel design, and my green Tyranno design are kind of what I'm going for. It would be a free-style kind of fun team. The name is inspired by the British counterpart to the American Blue Angles, The Red Arrows. Feel free to take my idea if you want for the proposed RLGS League brought up by @Infinityy_RL . All I ask is that I be allowed to join that team.