
Itzelakritze's avatar


20 days ago


RLGS Update

We have two teams with enough members: Cowboys and Air force. We also have Gander and Team green arrows. These two still need some members. If your not in a team yet and your intressted in RLGS check them out and mabye even join them. As long as GNDR and Green arrow isnt complete i wana organize some maches between Air force and Cowboys. If those two teams are intressted pls form one eu and one na team. 4 players each. We gona do a best of 3. Each of those 4 players has to play at least 1 match(just so the lower ranked player also get to play). The first team to two wins takes the at all win. We gona have a na winner and a eu winner. Question to rlg developers. Could we get custom titels for RLGS winners? (I think thats to much rigth?)

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Unranked · Division I
Master Crafter
17 days ago
Thank you for advertising my team. Btw, If anyone sees this post, I made a discussion to sign up for team Green Arrows.


Diamond I · Division I
Dungeon Master
18 days ago
Nice thumbnail picture, not so nice typos lol. I love the idea, it seems similar in setup to the twitch tourney for rl streamers. I think that having titles would be really cool. *cough... @vicegold @serubi ... cough*


Champion I · Division I
17 days ago
Thx We gona do something with that


Champion I · Division I
19 days ago
All of this is only a suggestion

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