
YES!!! I also use the merc when I play badly

One piece of advice that I haven’t seen yet is to find some teammates that you can trust. Don’t solo queue(play with randoms) because this will cause you to loose a lot more games. But yes you should play a lot of ones and mainly focus on defense and recovery mechanics like half flips and wave dashes. Focus on landing on your wheels and learn how to speed aerial. These are just some simple mechanics that will make you play a lot faster.

Oct and fennec. If I’m playing really bad I’ll use the merc as a skill reset

@DanJaxIsBack hm yeah idk. I think that you can directly report bugs in the settings menu so the devs will most likely respond faster

Um are you sure the messages aren’t sending or is it just that ppl aren’t responding

Bro just buy an expensive pc, put hours into custom training, then take months of your life repeating this over and over again just to hit d3. So to answer your question there is totally nothing wrong with the system.

Dang that takes dedication

They are actually designed for the human hand

Xbox controllers are actually designed for the human hand

Delete the app and reinstall ig

You’ll never rank up if you blame your teammates