
Goosefather's avatar


11 months ago


Is trading coming back?

Do you think that Epic Games will bring back trading? (sorry in advance for my formatting)

!Dont read the next part if your not interested in the reasoning or get bored easily lol!

I think (hope, pray, disillusion myself) that they will bring back the ability to trade. Even now, I am saving blueprints and items that are worth $$$. I dont have insider info or anything like that, but just a feeling.

Some things Epic will consider before bringing back trading: -Their reputation. If they bring back trades, it will send a message to the community, either that they listen to our feedback and care, or that they are second guessing themselves and weak-willed. Given how much hate and backlash rocket players give (on literally everything lol), Im guessing they predict the latter. -$$$. They need to evaluate if it is profitable. This might be the biggest factor. If the removal of trading of trading benifited them, then we wont get it back. (from what i saw on a quick google search, their stock price plunged right around the time they announced the removal of trading, and around Dec 5. when trading left. Not sure if its related tho) If, on the other hand, they lost profit form the removal of trading, then the boycott worked and we will most likely see trading return. -Longevity of their company, profitability and games. The decision to remove trading could have been a last ditch effort to milk the nickels and (insert british moneys here) from this game, whilst boosting Fortnite's playerbase. It all comes down to which games make cash, and which ones they care about.

Id love to hear your opinions and counter-arguements.

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Platinum III · Division I
S14 Tournament Winner
11 months ago
I agree with this message. Although Epic has no respect for Rocket league and wants us to go play Fortnight šŸ˜„


Platinum III · Division I
S11 Tournament Winner
10 months ago
The actual reason epic games removed trading is to be able to import the players items into rocket league racing in fortnite. If no one plays rl racing epics project will have failed and there could be a possibility of bringing back trading if rl racing gets removed.


8 months ago
but speaking of that rocket racing will be vaulted soon does that give Epic another shot at bringing trading back? and save the Rocket League community? Let's hope because that made me want to play every day and buy credits at that so I could buy from another trader they only see a money grab so it's on them if the game dies.


Champion III · Division III
4 months ago
And nobody playing rl racing haha


Diamond III · Division II
11 months ago
I read all of it and it didnt hurt my eyes so pls all ppl reading this pls read what he wrote


3 months ago
As touching as all that is. People need to understand what was happening in the dark corners of trading. While everyone looks at it as a money grab. Think about all the people who have been scammed by others for those ā€œhard to getā€ ā€œspecial editionā€ ā€œalphaā€ Items.


3 months ago
As touching as all that is. People need to understand what was happening in the dark corners of trading. While everyone looks at it as a money grab. Think about all the people who have been scammed by others for those ā€œhard to getā€ ā€œspecial editionā€ ā€œalphaā€ Items.


3 months ago
App didnā€™t let me finishā€¦


3 months ago
There are people who LOST tons of money. Because of these scammers and epic couldnā€™t just stop them because they had many accounts. Now also think about how many people went online and purchased credits through a third party at ridiculously low prices. That created an issue with the items listed in the shop because the value that epic received was almost 0 since the credits usually werenā€™t purchased through them. Now think about how much loss that is just. Weā€™re. Epic and the people who play. Once epic had enough complaints and enough ā€œgivingā€ back items that players were scammed for. THEY are not going to bring back trading without first making every current item non tradable and then only releasing new items that could be traded. They would then have to split the items from battle pass and non battle pass. They donā€™t want to have millions of subcategories and sub restrictions for items just to make a small player base happy.


Diamond III · Division II
11 months ago
Bro was writing for five days strait and still got no ones oppinion


Diamond I · Division I
11 months ago
Lol it is what it is. I just wanted to get people thinking on this, and share my feelings abt it.


Diamond I · Division I
S16 Tournament Winner
4 months ago
Well you can see pickapixels new video that released giving STRONG proof that trading is come back. Go check it out. https://youtu.be/jJeamb2aksI?si=dOs1OTRUjqUw5ycW


Diamond I · Division I
4 months ago
Thanks, I'll go check that out. šŸ‘


Diamond I · Division I
S16 Tournament Winner
4 months ago
@-Goose- I feel like it could be just something that was miss read but I really hope they do. I'm keeping my hopes up. Huge RL content creators like Musty have made videos requesting trading to come back and they've lost so many players just to help fortnite and rocket racing but now that that game is dead hopefully it means that there will bring back trading.


Diamond I · Division I
S16 Tournament Winner
4 months ago
@-Goose- I've been playing rocket league for a long time but never actually played online until like 8 months ago. I used to play with my brothers like 30 minutes a month on weekends but never knew a single thing about the game. When I started to play for real, it was right after they removed trading. And when I started I didn't have a legacy account like my brother did so I don't have all the colored standards, cristianos, or sparkles.


Diamond I · Division I
4 months ago
@Black_Ink I was lucky enough to discover trading a month or so before they removed it. Last November was a mad scramble lol. I picked up some cool items, but not all the ones a wanted. I'm hopeful for the return of trading as well


Diamond I · Division I
S16 Tournament Winner
4 months ago
@-Goose- FR there are so many things I want like black standard, black oems, tw zombas, and all the sweaty trails. I know a lot of creators like tri house do trades and I think I could get something really good if he has an extra and I have a good amount of credits.


Diamond III · Division I
6 months ago
What I would do to get like prime rocket league back is crazy. Epic games should get shut down for monopoly soon enough. Worst thing epic games has done hands down. Nothing but greedy sacks of shit


Diamond I · Division III
10 months ago
Bro could send a letter to epic and probably convince them to bring back trading

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