You called the rich bois?
In the school bathroom
It's going to be Chiefs vs. Commanders (not sure who will win), but I want to Eagles to win. Sadly, the Fates do not take my desires into account.
I will quit this game once I acquire a red GC tag
Arsey-baby and wayton.
I've seen a few millipede ones, they are indeed stellar
Disputed. He's kinda mid
Ngl, musty sorta tanked hard over the past two years. He's gotten a bit too flashy and "hip with the kids" for me
*obscure reference detected*
@Blink_RL ah, sorry on a trip this afternoon. Also had church this morning funnily enough
Done. I can play Sunday morning before 10:00
@TPNE_osoicy What in the good name of grammer.
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