

Rocket League Design

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A Rocket League car design by est-oc31
est-oc31's avatar


Created 1 year ago
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Team Orange Color

E8: Row E / Color 8

Accent Color

A1: Row A / Color 1



BakkesMod Loadout Car Code


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1 year ago
this aint it chief, but keep trying, you life resolves around RL designs, so keep pushing!


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
Life revolves around RL Garage Designs, you don’t even know what I do in life, so how can you know lol so stupid


1 year ago
@est-oc31 All I know is you are crying because ppl fw basic designs more than with your edgy design, which i sad asl. play the game 😭


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii basic boring designs yes, that we’ve seen millions of times, bro you’re diamond lol I’m champ, you play the game 😂


1 year ago
@est-oc31 flexing champ 1 div 2 to dia 3 is so shameless man😭😭😭 especially comparing playtime. get a life man, but lmk how the designer career goes🔥


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii what is wrong with you people, don’t have anything else better to do then when were the ones trying to make the app better, and others making it worse, but you know you do you, I don’t care what you do


1 year ago
@est-oc31 yea play the game instead of crying bc of trending designs. it literally wont bring you ANYWHERE.


1 year ago
@est-oc31 yea why don’t keep that mindset? let ppl be man, who are you to tell someone to not create designs for themselves? that others like those designs is not on him nor anyone who creates them. keep making designs and let others do the same


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii definitely crying, why would I cry over something like this lol, it’s just frustrating to see the same old crap at the top, in our discord server we’re all laughing about it, because the app has become a laughing stock in general, the game has become a joke in general the whole of rl is falling apart


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii I didn’t say the couldn’t create designs lol


1 year ago
@est-oc31 So why keep making designs and playing the game if everything is bad about it? Keep laughing about it in your discord and i promise you no one really cares. You do you and so do others.


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii Because why not, just because the rocket league is crumbling apart, doesn’t mean I still won’t play it, doesn’t mean I won’t still design, you talk about people complaining, and your literally doing it my design as well, such a hypocrite


1 year ago
@est-oc31 Yea to give you the exact same energy you give others. Just do you and let others do them.


Design Legend
1 year ago
One sec i have 2 questions 1)who asked and 2)who tf are you to comment on who does what with their life i mean you are more jobless to comment that


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii you're just another angry little boy, one design 4 months ago, completely garbage I might add. You don't belong in this community, you don't know how it works here, so go back to your angry little traders and stay out of people's designs kiddo.


1 year ago
@Raiyu 😭😭😭😭😭 i triggered the 15 year old nerds. boy i promise you i couldn’t care less abt this toxic trash community. obvious issue is you built up egos because of a „design legend“ rank man💀


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii dude, if I was 15 my comment wouldn't have slapped you hard enough to give you that crappy response. You're delusional 'not caring' about this community is laughable, yet you find yourself here commenting in this community. Don't hang around in places you don't like then boy, or you might just get slapped again.


1 year ago
@Raiyu same applies to your d1ck buddy. complaining abt basic designs is such a laughable thing. you lot seriously need to grow up and play the game instead


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii OK, I wasn't going to reply no matter what you said, but if you want to talk sensibly i can do that. First of all, ew, don't say things like that, and secondly I agree, complaining about basic designs seems ridiculous. You haven't been involved in this community though, it's far less toxic than the trading community, but it does happen. It's a creative forum, yet people steal creative original ideas, or they cheat to get ahead, this comes with the territory of being toxic sometimes dude. Jist let it fly, and go do some trading or something. Seriously, no hate, but just don't come here if you don't like it bro.


1 year ago
@Raiyu Bro the OP of this Post is sitting on RL Garage and goes under designs and complains about them every single time. I don’t do designs nor do i trade or actively play the game anymore. Friends just told me that he consistently whines about them posting basic designs and if they get likes and start trending, he just talks down on them instead of minding his business. If your life only resolves around ootd awards (?) you should consider getting better at playing or go for something new instead of talking down on random people who do designs for FUN. You seem genuine, but the rest is just a bunch of toxic kids and you literally cannot deny the obvious.


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii so your friends were grasses lol, they need to grow up snitching


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii honestly, speaking for myself only, I love designing. I take it very seriously, and if anyone steals my ideas or cheats to get ahead, it unbalanced the whole popular list and people get awarded that don't deserve it, instead of someone that does deserve it. It seems like what we do here means nothing, and these toxic comments are bad, but dude, tell me if you were a creator of a great design that you really put effort into, if someone cheats to get ahead, you wouldn't be annoyed? That's what's happening here.


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii Yeah I complain about every design definitely lol every single design that’s made


1 year ago
@est-oc31 Other than Raiyu, you lot are just toxic puberty teenagers who like to talk down on others and built up their ego off of it


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii don’t assume age, because 9/10 it’s incorrect and yes you are incorrect


1 year ago
@Raiyu I totally get you and I understand your point of view. I‘d be frustrated too if someone stole my ideas to become more „popular“, but accusing people of cheating because their basic design gets likes seems a bit reaching, no? I agree you should win fairly, but not everyone is boosting, obviously the masses like basic „clean“ designs.


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii the thing is, once a design gets into the top 10 or 20, a lot more people see it, which increases its chances of getting likes, most of which are attained through support, not because they actually like the design. This is why boosters boost til it gets there, and sometimes continue to do so until it hits the top 3. More people are boosting than you'd think. I've uncovered so many in the past lol but I'm done with it these days, anyway, I'm off. ✌️


Platinum III · Division I
S8 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
@ImSlxshii raiyu has a family he started himself bro. Where is yours?


Diamond I · Division I
Player of Games
1 year ago
This looks good! Use that boost in game and actually in a recent design. Its not only for Christmas lol


1 year ago
Woaa, that ! 😱❤️


Champion I · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 year ago
Thank You I appreciate it glad you like it

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