
@Raiyu I totally get you and I understand your point of view. I‘d be frustrated too if someone stole my ideas to become more „popular“, but accusing people of cheating because their basic design gets likes seems a bit reaching, no? I agree you should win fairly, but not everyone is boosting, obviously the masses like basic „clean“ designs.

@Raiyu Bro the OP of this Post is sitting on RL Garage and goes under designs and complains about them every single time. I don’t do designs nor do i trade or actively play the game anymore. Friends just told me that he consistently whines about them posting basic designs and if they get likes and start trending, he just talks down on them instead of minding his business. If your life only resolves around ootd awards (?) you should consider getting better at playing or go for something new instead of talking down on random people who do designs for FUN. You seem genuine, but the rest is just a bunch of toxic kids and you literally cannot deny the obvious.