

Rocket League Design

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A Rocket League car design by stova
stova's avatar


Created 7 months ago
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Team Blue Color

B6: Row B / Color 6

Accent Color

F1: Row F / Color 1



BakkesMod Loadout Car Code


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7 months ago
@Raiyu this is not a design that is based off of any known designs that I’ve seen. I should not have to justify this to you but since you have appointed yourself the design police, I will comment on this. The PC paint and SLK wheels are both items I acquired last season and have been eager to use. I acquired the gold fennec after the recent Star Wars item release in the Item Store. I have always based color schemes off of wheels that I want to use. In this case, SLK wheels only have 3 colors. Combined, this is the result. If this is mirroring or even similar to an existing design, I’m reluctant to give credit because this was not inspired by any other designs. And while there are so many options for items, we are still limited in some regard to what we can create. Im not on this platform for likes. I simply add designs that I think of and store them for reference to use in-game. If I could make my profile and designs private, I would.


Platinum I · Division II
7 months ago
@Raiyu Just because people worship your designs doesn’t mean you can hop in here making accusations. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I would prefer you message me directly if there are concerns around “design theft”.


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@stova you're totally on the wrong vibe there buddy. This is a forum where people post designs to gain likes and popularity. Like other social media aspects. However, in this case its a design competition, meant for those with creative skills to make designs. It is not for people to gain likes and awards from other people's ideas. There ar rules in place for a reason, that you people do not follow, so if I am the police then so be it, for if I do nothing you people will run rampant and carry on stealing and earning awards and likes you do not deserve.


Platinum I · Division II
7 months ago
@Raiyu “you people”… I’m not your buddy. I’ve just made it clear that I’m not to be compared to one of your accused design thieves and I am certainly not here for likes. You should know this considering I’ve stated these are for in-game use in a DM to you where I asked for your advice. I don’t answer to you and you will not convince me to delete this… and like I said, kudos to whoever created this exact design. We must think alike.


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@stova people don't make in game designs on an app that showcases designs if they're just in game designs lol who you trying to convince? Me or you? Btw, you asked me for advice? And what advice did I give? You speak like you have hate for my success. "Just because people worship your designs" ngl you sounded jealous there mate. I've consistently made original and skillful designs for a very long period of time, that's why people like my designs. You and your little copying buddies wouldn't know a thing about it, coz you've got no talent whatsoever.


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@stova also, let me add this before I go. People like you, and crspy whatever his name is and sirbaddesigner, people like you have plagued this app for too long. None of the original design legends design anymore thanks to you lot cheating, copying etc. You're literally driving all the nest designers away. I'm the last one left. Soon, I will leave too. You and your rubbish designer friends can have this app all to yourself. Fill it with your rubbish, see if I care.


Diamond I · Division I
7 months ago
@Raiyu plz do leave. Then you can’t say any more of your bullshit 😊


Platinum I · Division II
7 months ago
@Thought101 my guy. I realized I didn’t answer his question until now… “btw you asked me for advice? And what did I give?” (From Raiyu) he simply told me that it would not be my own if I asked for his advice and to join his discord channel. And yes, @raiyu, I do only make designs with items I have in-game. We can only have so many presets. If I create too many, I have to clear them out and make room for new designs. Where do I store the designs? Here, on RLG. Hope that clears the air.


Diamond II · Division I
7 months ago
Yeah Stova, you need to get off my screen copying designer, you and crspychkn, the thought guy can leave too, <3 to all the real ones out there tho, Raiyu and Est-oc in particular


Platinum I · Division II
7 months ago
@Crazyfeet44 nah I’m good. Think I’ll stay. I see no need to further defend myself. Go about your own business as I do mine.


Champion I · Division I
7 months ago
Those original designer still get the credit they earn and mabye even more throug (copies) because we see your coment of who made the origin design. I mean at the point where (copies) get made the original designs are out of date anyways


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
This is copied from @Matima3305 and so is @CrspyChkn version. Again.


Platinum II · Division III
Rocketeer Elite
7 months ago
If @Matima3305 wants me to delete I will, I didn’t check to see if it had been done because it was supposed to be my version of this one and I knew who needed to get the credit


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@CrspyChkn why do a version of someone elses anyway? Why can't you just get your own damn ideas?
Beta Tester


Champion I · Division I
Design Legend
7 months ago
Oh for god sake this is taking me back to the constella/zomba design, i just don't want to have this sort of situation again... Especially for me who already had to overcome this many times but just didn't work out in the end and one time it got to a point were it went so badly that i ended up in a 8 MONTH HIATUS, i stil want to active in rlg but i just want to see better community than this tbh.


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@Matima3305 exactly. @CrspyChkn @SirBadDesignerHehe proper destroying the app, and all its rules man. Soon I will leave, because designing is no gun anymore when you have to worry shout thieves taking credit for your hard work. They don't even give answers as to why, they just steal over and over again.


Platinum III · Division I
Dungeon Master
7 months ago
@Raiyu we answer plenty, but you're too stuck up to understand them. Ask me a question rn and I will give you an honest answer.


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@SirBadDesignerHehe OK, why do you guys constantly steal ideas without giving a damn about how we feel about it? Also, I've never been stuck up on my life.


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@SirBadDesignerHehe actually, can I also have an example of when I was stuck up? I wanna know why you think that, because I think I know I jist want you to confirm


Platinum III · Division I
Dungeon Master
7 months ago
@Raiyu btw I'm answering for myself only. For the first part, "why do you guys constantly steal ideas." I have never saw a design and thought along the lines of, "I will put that in my design collection so that I can increase the amount of likes on my account," I have, however, gone, "dang that's awesome, let me try that with some of my items or put my own spin on it." Sometimes when I do that, my final product is too close to the original. In the creation frenzy, I forget what the original looks like so I don't always make sure that I didn't copy. Other times, I will have a great idea and then after I built it, I find out one or another, that it's been done before. I will then look at it and if I deem them different enough, I'll keep mine up. I'm human so sometimes they aren't as different as I thought.


Platinum III · Division I
Dungeon Master
7 months ago
@SirBadDesignerHehe For the second point, "...without giving a **** about how we feel about it." I am not a telepathic (much as I wish), so I don't know your emotions. Generally, when a user tells me their opinion, I will respect it accordingly. When they are aggressive or rude, I tend to not care as much about their opinions. I still try to work it out and come to an agreement. If they persist in being unhelpful, I will block them and ignore them. I hope this answers your question. If not, I don't know what to do besides ignoring them in the future, because I put a lot of effort into typing this essay of an answer. Wishing you the best in life, SirDuck


Champion I · Division I
7 months ago
And i dont think that the point of desinging cars was meant to be as competitive as you take it


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@Itzelakritze it's competitive because you get likes and awards, so yes it is competitive ad I and all designers who care about their work think.


Champion I · Division I
7 months ago
@Raiyu its just an hobby that your realy good in. You can call it work if you could live of your designs earnings


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@Itzelakritze sure, but you can't diminish it's importance to people, because to some of us this is hard work. Yes we love it, it's a hobby as you say, but those of us who spend this much time making these designs, we love what we do, we take pride in it. All artists are the same. Thays what we are essentially, we're artists creating pieces of art for people to enjoy looking at. It is competitive though, we are all competing for likes and awards, therefore we cannot copy, cheat, or steal.


Champion I · Division I
7 months ago
@Raiyu i understand that, but why is it so important that a design hasnt been seen anywere befor. I mean not everyone makes a competition out of it. And to be fair, specialy you cant cry about likes


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@Itzelakritze dude, I don't know why you're so easy going. There are rules on this app put in place for a reason. It's a bloody design competition! I'm not crying about likes! That's a proper insult after everything I've done to help other designers succeed. Why is it so hard for you to understand that its not a day in the sunshine, its a design competition with rules! They're cheating! If they want a day in the sunshine then they can go to another app. If it wasn't for me and the ogs, these people would NEVER get on the popular list.


Champion I · Division I
7 months ago
@Raiyu i just think you take it a little to serieous


Champion I · Division I
7 months ago
Not everyone nows every design ever made


Platinum II · Division II
Design Legend
7 months ago
@Itzelakritze true, but when faced with the fact that it was done by someone else, they should gracefully delete, as I do and the other designers with any self respect.


Champion I · Division I
7 months ago
@Raiyu i could defently agree on that one

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