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7 months ago
Based on what you have described, I would recommend three things: 1) Work on the basics. You don't need to flip reset to beat a gold, all you need is to not whiff. I recommend learning wave dashes and proper air-rolls. 2)Training packs. Lots and lots of training packs. Its tedious, i know, but it helps. Defense, aerial, shooting, wall shots, they all help you get consistent touches and hits. 3) Confidence. Every time you go for the ball, you need to know in your head "I'm gonna win this," or "this shot will score." Without the confidence, training is pointless. Some other, less important stuff that helped me improve weas learning speedflips and working on ceiling shots. I cant do a ceiling shot, but i helped me with controlling my car in the air. Lmk if you want more tips, ill be happy to help.


Platinum III · Division III
Dungeon Master
7 months ago
i dont claim to be a coach, so feel free to disagree with me :)


Diamond I · Division I
S16 Tournament Winner
7 months ago
That’s really helpful I definitely need it so thx a lot

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