

Playlist population

Good, great or amazing? Check out how many players are currently playing Rocket League!

95701 Current online players

Playlist Players
Main Menu (RL) 7922
Ranked Doubles (2v2) 6258
Training (RL) 2796
Doubles (2v2) 1590
Ranked Standard (3v3) 1567
Ranked Duel (1v1) 974
Private Match (RL) 860
Standard (3v3) 828
Training Pack (RL) 519
Match Queue (RL) 431
Duel (1v1) 311
Heatseeker Doubles (2v2) 295
Offline Splitscreen Match (RL) 128
Ranked Rumble (3v3) 122
Ranked Dropshot (3v3) 120
Workshop Match (RL) 117
Ranked Hoops (2v2) 86
Ranked Tournaments (RL) 86
Spike Rush (3v3) 74
Online Free Play (4v4) 65
Season Match (RL) 58
Chaos (4v4) 21

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