@Thought101 oh, it was Arnold and the obviously can’t really say his last name as I’ll probably spell it wrong and get banned.
Also @feat_logi? Is that bakkes mod, I was just wondering because I say the alpha boost and all black car.
@Thought101 hey, sorry about this but I’m too dumb to understand what this question is. If you don’t mind me asking if what you mean is car designs that I’ve made just click on my profile I’m pretty sure and 5en scroll a bit and click on my car designs. Hope I helped!
You can just tell that epic games is searching for as much money as they can, but them making a set of vehicles in a video game 50 dollars is just absurd. They know what their doing and how their doing it and I won’t be surprised if epic games becomes the most valuable thing in the world If they really do keep this up. Now poor little kids can’t get the little tiny item that they’ve been wanting for so long… like, if a kid wants a dang stingray topper I’m all in but now I can’t do those types of things anymore, wonder why? BECAUSE OF EPIC GAMES #FREEROCKETLEAGUE
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