Last seen 5 days ago
Epic Games
otto_rl's clips
I made it better! Montage!
It came out pretty good I think
Plat 1 freestyler for GOD 1100+ hours
Black ink I have normal InShot lol and masonator I’ll play after thanks giving and yes I’ll team fs (can’t comment
What rank do I Deserve?
Everyone says I deserve champ 1 easily and I can speed flip I have proof in first clip look closely I wall dashed and also does anyone wanna help to d1 I don’t have a mic any more those clips were o...
Sorry it’s been a bit since I posted cause this app is so laggy lol
Freestyler 1100+ hours plat 1 I’m insane lol😎. Sneezbar I’ll play after thxgiving and what do you play on and I don’t...
Flip reset
POV:me peaking
POV:you can do double flip resets but not in real match
1030 hours plat1 freestyler for h20
Well I thought I was the most mechy plat until a striped video watched
In that vid a plat did a double heli lol I can almost do a double no stall
Love God love Jesus team h20 1000+ hours
Flip reset
Um peaking lol
I just peaked
I’m working on pcsycos almost did one
I can’t comment sorry but thx for compliment and Jace do u want to add me I don’t have a mic
Bro was mad
Bro on last shot said I was bad then I scored that lol. Freestyler for team BIBLE. 800+ hours
Bro on shot three said I suck then I scored that freestyler for team bibl that’s my club lol
The best save I’ve done
Add me I hit plat2 then demoted to plat1
Freestler for Jesus 800+ hours. Red standard yay!
Flip reset
Just some shots
I finally hit a reset in a comp match and thanks for the support on my last post I can’t comment until I link my platform /freestyler for Jesus gold 3 Jesus saves
Montage! 2.0
Gold 3 ps4 controller freestyler for Jesus Jesus saves btw. 800+ hours Proverbs 12;1
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