I honestly reckon that RL Garage is fine the way it is. The removal of trading is the only thing that really killed RLG, so I think IF they add it back (probably not but anything a possible I guess) RL Garage is going to explode in popularity again.
@RLG_DAILY_DISCUSSIONS doesn’t everyone 💀
But yea I’m also Christian too ✝️🔥
Still can’t believe there’s this many Christians on the platform even tho like 99% of the player base is toxic 😭
@azzyro I can’t play weekdays (my schedule is funky) but on weekends just discord me or sumn and I should be able to hop on
@tide_rll who are the team owners?
@azzyro d1 Div 3 or 4 rn I’m 2 games of diamond
Can anyone join? (I’m plat in oce)
@azzyro yo another oce 🎉 wanna play 2s some time?
The fact it’s true makes it funny
If it isn’t, my Wishlist dreams are done for 😭
@top_rlg that’s not good either tho 😭