
@user23894 it’s a damn shame… I’m really scared rocket league won’t recover from this, they spat in the face of there entire trading community and refuse to listen to us or even let us know what is going on. It’s like jonsandman said, they took all this time with us thinking they were working on unreal engine 5 and the truth is there efforts were put into rocket league racing and to strip a core system from there game and players. Just pitiful.

I have Lightning McQueen and about 90% of there Bundles, I started out with purchasing 1000 credits, and traded my way up to 120k, not every one who has these bundles have actually spent real money, I traded for 3 years budong up the credits. trading has brought we everything I could have ever wanted item and shop wise besides Gold Rush obviously lol. I'm sad to see my credit stash that will begin to dwindle over time :(