Honestly you could have my dam account bc apparently rl doesn’t want me to get 1500, they want me to lose 91 mmr in 1 day so now im chilling in brain dead garbage c3 div 3, the worst rank ever so might as well have my stuff. Tags, wheels, anything bro. Dgaf about this absolute horrid game that should’ve died 5 years ago
@Blink_RL me too, I’m only plat👀🤫
@TPNE_osoicy maybe, I’ll add u tho
@TPNE_osoicy I lost to basilisk and Tena but won against VNCE😭
@TPNE_osoicy ye I’ve seen his videos, I’ve went against basilisk, tenacity, VNCEofficial and other people with rlcs tags
@TPNE_osoicy wait until u hit gc2 in tournaments, you’ll go against people with 1900+ mmr or even pros😭
Gc1 in 2s gc2 in tournaments
Happens man, just gotta get off and try in a few hours or the next day
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