![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@SirDuck510 a gentleman and a scholar, good sir.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@LEGENDARY_GLADIATOR this kid is wild lol
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@Marvin88420 it’s nothing personal I just don’t like FN and I don’t like when people call other people mean names especially when they have never met or spoke to them… that’s all.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@Marvin88420 nah I’m actually pretty good at FN even with builds you just turn on quick builds but I still just don’t like it never have never will I’d rather go play warzone or the division. And yeah duck isn’t retarded at all he’s got a lot of builds that are the top rated design of the week/day
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@VeXeD_Prophet not to mention all the skins they brainwash kids into buying and at one point it was super easy to trick you into buying credits. Which was a lawsuit they lost.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@Marvin88420 I’m aware.. boy you really don’t catch on to sarcasm quick do you.. I didn’t like FN because it’s a 3rd person shooter until scoped and swinging an axe at a house or a rock for 10 minutes gathering mats it so dumb to me.. the building aspect is lame to me as well I’d rather use the cover that’s there rather than hide behind an insta wall. Seems cheap to me like building so you can buy a second instead of taking on the fight with what you have around you and skill. That’s the main reason I don’t like it.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@SirDuck510 say what you want to but when I scroll the popular designs yours and two other names are about all that’s on that tab. So yeah I definitely consider you a top designer.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@Marvin88420 because I’ve always disliked FN and btw @SirDuck510 is the top car designer on this platform. Notice the legendary tag under his name?
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
Not typically no. Your legacy items are mainly your boosts, toppers and wheels and some antennas. I’ve played every day for the last 2 years and I always check what’s in the shop usually before I even get home and I’ve not noticed anything one in there until now.. And I could have missed one or two that snuck by me but no this doesn’t usually happen.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
I have it as an OG grey legacy item
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@Marvin88420 that was a burner man lol.. I haven’t heard the *your* mom joke before, did you just come up with that, just off the dome? Either way super funny.. you sure showed him.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
@SirDuck510 agreed good sir, agreed.
![VeXeD_Prophet's avatar](/content/media/users/avatar/68px/e92db1902a1703183065.png)
I mean I wouldn’t be real mad at that one lol.
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