
@moonliight kinda weird to promote your ttv on a Smurf but aight whatever dude

@moonliight plat 2 in 1s and a cas mmr of 1100. RL tracker don’t lie lmao

It doesn’t help that you’re not actually champ lmao

No, I would think being a 1s main made you get there faster than you would have without playing 1s

I think the lower ranks are too inconsistent to get a proper feel of what your opponent should be capable of

Idk it’s been a looonnnggg time since leaving has been a problem for me. Haven’t had an issue with that since I was plat. If a tm8 leaves or wants to leave, it’s because we lost

Interesting. I hit c2 for the first time a couple seasons ago and climbing through c1 almost felt like smurfing. Now it’s a battle all the way there lmao

I’ve been playing a lot more ones recently. Definitely the fastest way to improve

@Marvin88420 thank god I don’t have to worry about running into plats in ranked. I could never win!

I promise you it’s not lmao

Are we still solo queuing after plat in 2024?