In the oven's warm embrace, dough transforms, Rising like a golden promise, the yeast performs. A ballet of flour, water, and yeast's dance, Bread emerges, a masterpiece, by chance. Crusty exterior, a rustic delight, Soft crumb within, a taste so right. A daily companion on tables spread, In slices, stories of breaking bread. From baguette to loaf, a diverse array, Bread, a timeless tradition, day by day. A canvas for spreads or a humble toast, In every bite, memories engrossed. So, let's celebrate this humble fare, A poetic ode to bread, beyond compare
It’s literally the same as trading if you gift back
And I peaked at plat 1 whereas on pc it was diamond 1
I switched to pc because it takes ages to load into a match
The switch is my least favorite
Why is the trading such a big deal anyways play the game you don’t need to get the best of every item
How dumb are you to believe this
It’s kinda funny that he’s actually just exiting the game and not deleting his account
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