
SoulSnatcher173's header
Last seen 2 months ago


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SoulSnatcher173's avatar
replied to LeKriliq's discussion  4 months ago

Not hurt them! They have been messing up themselves. They still want us to play. Rocket racing in Fortnite is a good example...they tripled the daily quests (if you want XP) and around doubled the amount of things to do in each quest. They want people to play their games, but their methods are obviously not working. I think sometime they'll get off their butts and actually give the RL and fotnite communities what they want.Trading and cross-game items CAN WORK TOGETHER! They obviously didn't think of that when they detonated trading from RL.

SoulSnatcher173's avatar
replied to imslipzy's discussion  4 months ago

@PersianZSR_YT Yeah makes sense. Epic can just ignore it if they want. Instead of removing trading, they could've just kept it as well as the cross-game thing with fortnite. Like how there were items you couldn't trade, like the normal crates, there would be more items you couldn't trade. So we'd just need to be more careful of the items we trade. Epic is so silly.

SoulSnatcher173's avatar
replied to imslipzy's discussion  5 months ago

@spuhLAT Surely there's a way to suggest ideas to Epic and ask them about things. Maybe even help with making the game. Because I know there are lots of people with lots of awesome ideas for the Rocket League.

SoulSnatcher173's avatar
replied to BlueBeII's discussion  5 months ago

Yeah what I don't understand is why not work on BOTH Rocket League AND Fortnite instead of bringing one down to ATTEMPT to bring the other up?

SoulSnatcher173's avatar
replied to BlueBeII's discussion  5 months ago

Accidentally pressed enter...they favour Fortnite, which obviously has lost it's spark (~chapter 1 I think) and has lots and lots of issues that I'm not going to type here. Epic James has lots and lots of issues. One thing that has obviously stuck out at me and other people in FoRtNiTe for a long time, is that they obviously want everyone to keep playing the game. Something that made this even more clear recently, was that they doubled and even tripled the amount of things you have to do in each quest for battle royale, festival and rocket racing. They also tripled the amount of quests for rocket racing. I only play fortnite with friends, and I love rocket league a whole lot more than forkknife, even though Epic James treats it poorly. Anyway yes people at Epic Games make awful decisions that would obviously get them nowhere, and Rocket League is cool because car hit ball. :D

SoulSnatcher173's avatar
replied to BlueBeII's discussion  5 months ago

Yeah I don't understand what goes through their heads when it comes to the actions they take or lack of actions. They bought Rocket League; it is such a unique and cool game...and they willingly pull it apart bit by bit, and favor Forkknife







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