
@Jaceisme I was Diamond 3 while we could still trade... and now im Gold 3. If anything the lower rank just means there was nothing to fall back on when the competitive ai smurfbots were the most active. If i wasnt feeling it back then id just trade and win that way... not to mention all the GCs i used to meet back then that would let me learn from them. doesnt happen anymore.

I have been putting in a ticket about it multiple times a week lately. literally the closest thing to actually talking to someone who can change it. you know what to do...

Bring back trading ITEMS. Make credits untradable. 90% of tradable items wont ever appear in the store, and some people like me have thousands they could give away. I am so sick of hearing people say they like an item and want it, and im sitting on 2 or 3 or 8 of them, and cant do anything to help them. Even if you can buy full sets on fortnite for way cheaper than we could during trading, they still have done nothing to address all the wasted series items and limited items that are abundant and you cant trade in.