I'm putting this here for obvious reasons. I can't post anything discussions wise. I can post car designs, but not discussions. I want to put a discussion looking for tm8s, but it won't let me. Also, if I go to my profile and the my discussions, I can't tap "Create new Post." Please fix this.
I can help. I'm na central. I'm p2 peak p3. I can and will pass. I don't use voice chat much. I'm on on weekends and occasionally through the week.
Hi, I'm p2, peak p3, can pass and will pass. I don't use voice chat anymore. As of this comment posted, I will be on in the next 30 mins at latest. I can beat my diamond friends on a decent day. I would love a tm8 to play with. I am on weekends and occasionally through the week if I don't have any homework
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