
Yikes. I’ve gotten quite a few but not nearly that many 💀

@Blink_RL I try to be respectful and avoid beef with everyone

Id argue that the infinite boost didn’t really help him much in that specific scenario, although I do see where you’re coming from.

Nice 👍 I just wish I could get back to gold 😭

@Bizzlesticks We’ll have to see. It’s hard for me to tell when I’ll be able to play, but I’ll try

@Metazolid do you have an estimate as to how long fixing it will take?

I should be able to tomorrow. Send me a friend request whenever you can and I’ll inform you when I’m available 👍

How about this: comment if you can help me, bit if you can’t 😐

@Keyyz- Me: “hey can anyone help me in rumble?” Y’all: “I’ve got a better idea! What if we help everyone else instead?” “Great idea!” “I’m down to play!”

@galaxica I like most of NFs songs

I wish I had that car. Cyberpunk genre in general is cool