@-Goose- I am insanely proud that you agree no cap, pfp is fire
5CCE-FB29-7B05-A0B1 and 5CB2-6D82-1B54-47B7
I am dia 3 now, and my best tip would be to work on your defense, play 1s and try to really work on defense, I would also recommend the training packs: Uncomfortable saves and Shadow defense (I’ll put code here if I find it), try to do these training packs not every time you play but just once a week, I am complete shit on attack but good on defense which is very helpful when you play with Randoms bc they are most of the time the opposite. Just try to learn rotation if you play 2s or 3s and don’t worry about your rank. I used to be champ, then dropped to dia 1 and now dia 3, and I am way better that I was when I was in champ. Also don’t forget to enjoy yourself, gl.
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