I try to be leader but if not I adjust to my teammates playstyle
Fr bro idk why everyone’s so desperate for followers
It’s better than the past few seasons but definitely not the best
I’ll get them out of a rare drop every now and then
@Keyyz- didn’t mean to put *is* after 3v3 whoops
Might just be me but I think 3v3 is with friends is my favorite
C3 with 2,300 hours. If you don’t count extra modes then c1
Bro how are all these golds hitting flip resets when I was gold I didn’t even know what a flip resets was😂
Obviously its up to you how you want your settings but I just wanted to give u an example
Heres my camera settings: FOV- 110 Distance- 270 Height- 100 Angle- (-4) Stiffness, swivel and transition speed I just put in the middle
Octane, fennec, skyline
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