
My peak was C2 Div4 but then they took trading out, and then I started running into hackers, so I stopped playing shortly after.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but I wasn’t on that particular job.

But legit you have to learn to do it from the ceiling, resets, or ground dribbles. You basically want to make sure the ball is somewhat close to you, and then roll backwards, and press the flip button when the nose is either pointing towards you (if the ball is close) or pointing down (if the ball is at an optimal distance)

@top_rlg not sure what “glaze means” but “fasho” is an alternate spelling of “for sure” meaning like an affirmative response or positive filler word

I thought the hip hop season with the Honda civics was the best, but as a skateboarder myself, the skateboard engine audio may push me over the edge to think this one beats it.

Nice bro. I’ve beaten many a real gc (and have the proof) and it’s a pretty accomplishing feeling.