
I don't solo queue for 3s for now cos the game put me in bronze 1 for my placement matches and I don't want to have headache of teammate saving my shot or whatever, I only do 3s if I have like discord teammate or someone I know well

Same happening to me here, it's bad teammate and I know it isn't me, however I hate the game cos my 1s match is usually me(silver) going against a high diamond or low champ and it's not just fair. I'm 2s I have bad teammates, I'm hard stuck in silver cos of that, I play like a plat bit I'm in silver cos of shit game matchmaking rank system I'm hard stuck please help me...it's like shaqeel o neel versus a 3 year old child in 1s, and in 2s I play with trash cans and it isn't fair please help me. Add me in rl I will accept your request. My discord is blackGgaming, thanks