I have you and 1 other person for tourney rn
@moonliight I’m planing on seeing when people can play and if 2 people can play at same time they’ll 1v1
@moonliight best way to improve is playing against higher ranks
@moonliight you can play in the 1v1 tourney tho I’d be fine if you were tm8
@moonliight I’m mainly trying to just get higher ranked cause I hate solo queuing. I’ve also been trying to get diamond tourney rank so I can unlock all star cup
@Epic_Shames I’ll have you be in 1s tournament to be a potential tm8
Also reply number of when you came so if you were 1st say 1 and so on
I might do a tournament style thing to see who will be tm8. I’ll have 8 people in it. First 8 people to reply to this comment can be in it
@Epic_Shames I’ll add you later today
I’m on rn if you can play, when do you usually play
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