
My average is 90-100 and every game it spikes to the max at least once. The servers… are horrifyingly bad.

@per1odah how do you get the titles under your name like your S12 diamond tourney winner or masonator’s “legend” or crspychkn “rocketeer elite”?

@themasonator876 3 wins is green, red is 3 wins GC, and white is 1 win SSL and pink is 3 wins SSL

@per1odah I just played the tournament at 1pm and… there was a s13 champ winner and a s13 three time diamond winner… to make matters worse the other team was entirely in a party so they had comms, and then my game crashed.

@CrspyChkn yeah… tourney ranks are also screwed… me and my friend both d1 played a diamond tourney, got someone who was gold… in all ranks