I thought that was a little weird on the last one. I was like “um where’s the turtle?”. It was still a nice shot but this one’s nasty.
@GlcticAcid technically I was but I didn’t even know how to flip lol.
@LeKriliq nice. I really wish I’d been around when trading was a thing…
@GlcticAcid Play the way you want to play. But this won’t help you rank up if you’re still in gold or low plat. But the most important thing is to have fun. So do that!
And I don’t mean to put anybody down by say that (this is a really nice shot 👍), it’s just that you don’t need to think about that until at least diamond. And even then it’s not that important.
It’a still funny to me how many people think they need to work on this stuff. I’m not sure if they just don’t care about their rank or actually think this is what they need to work on to rank up, but either way I find it funny.
Aww man Thats really cool. I only have unpainted. Just out of curiosity, what colors are you missing?
They are also probably the best TW Zomba sub. I bought them.
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