Is a consistent double reset good enough? I'm pretty mid at freestyles, but I'm amazing for my rank.
Bro everyone except for @tom5x is capping so hard. I'm actually C1
I'm trying to look for a player the same rank as me. What's ur region, and if u wanna run some 2s, then dm me.
That was an insane run-on sentence
Pls help me
Ok guys so I need help getting more followers I need to show @vuulg and @black_ink that…
I'm OG. My favorites are octane and dominus
@vuulg are you serious about being stuck between 2700 and 2800 MMR?
I'm champ 1 in 3s, if you need me
Yo, what's ur specific rank? I run into the same problems when I solo queue for 2s in D3. I can change to fennec if u need, but I'm much more comfortable with octane.
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