
FlapJackYumYums' header
Last seen 1 year ago


Platinum III
Platinum III
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

@Exo-_-tic you haven’t seen me cuz this isn’t my main cuz I deleted that one a while ago. Remember a dude named “Moist_RL” by chance?

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

@Underrated_Banger_XCRONEX I strongly disagree. All I’m staying is that just because you think it’s a bad design it means it’s copied and uncreative. But you have no clue what was going through whoever’s head that made it. So just keep your opinions to yourself at this point because you’re just making yourself look bad. I’m sorry if this comes off rude. I’m done with this just think about what I’ve been trying to say rather than constantly insulting me.

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

@-V3N0M- y’all are a pain ya know that. Except you raiyu you’re chill. And @ChappyDaBoi3, you don’t have any proof that it’s copied and if you do then prove it otherwise there’s no need for your 2 cents in the conversation.

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

I’m sorry if I’m coming off as rude. But why do y’all have to be so critical about a design that made the front page? Just because they made this design doesn’t mean it’s copied or unoriginal. I know that I’ve had in game designs that I had no clue were someone’s design on here. We all get the same items and colors to work with. Not everyone is stealing so,some else’s designs and honestly everyone knows that the pink and blue anodized pearl looks awesome. So it’s not far fetched for someone to design something with those colors. Just because it’s not the way you view creativity doesn’t mean it’s not creative.

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

@Underrated_Banger_XCRONEX think rocket pass… have you seen those wheels and the decals move too much and the boost is was too big when you aerial, alpha boost is small and class and zombas can be a bit distracting but they aren’t ugly and if they’re tw then they’re clean too but I prefer like black dieci or cristanos

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

@Underrated_Banger_XCRONEX I agree that taste is subjective. But you don’t know that this guy cheated to get likes on his design you just assume that’s the case because you think the design is bad

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

@ChappyDaBoi3 does it tho? Like I understand that there are a lot of great designs with said stupid items, but the reason that people like try hard designs is because they are good for gameplay while still being clean. My proof is in the most liked designs of all time.

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

It might not be the most creative design but it’s still a decent design

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

It’s clean and not using stupid items that will just distract if you were playing in game

Design by FlapJackYumYums
FlapJackYumYums' avatar
commented on ynxxg's design  2 years ago

People like sweaty designs lol doesn’t have to be boosted when people like it

Design by FlapJackYumYums






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