
@Underrated_Banger_XCRONEX I strongly disagree. All I’m staying is that just because you think it’s a bad design it means it’s copied and uncreative. But you have no clue what was going through whoever’s head that made it. So just keep your opinions to yourself at this point because you’re just making yourself look bad. I’m sorry if this comes off rude. I’m done with this just think about what I’ve been trying to say rather than constantly insulting me.

I’m sorry if I’m coming off as rude. But why do y’all have to be so critical about a design that made the front page? Just because they made this design doesn’t mean it’s copied or unoriginal. I know that I’ve had in game designs that I had no clue were someone’s design on here. We all get the same items and colors to work with. Not everyone is stealing so,some else’s designs and honestly everyone knows that the pink and blue anodized pearl looks awesome. So it’s not far fetched for someone to design something with those colors. Just because it’s not the way you view creativity doesn’t mean it’s not creative.

@Underrated_Banger_XCRONEX think rocket pass… have you seen those wheels and the decals move too much and the boost is was too big when you aerial, alpha boost is small and class and zombas can be a bit distracting but they aren’t ugly and if they’re tw then they’re clean too but I prefer like black dieci or cristanos