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replied to krisgowild's discussion  1 year ago

I dont want to be that mad and excusses for what im gonna say because i hope the epic members all die toghether and soon or give the rocketleague a cool feauture too because this is going too far THEY ARE SOOOOOO STUPID CANC** EPIC SCREW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GVD CANC** F*****G STUPID SHIT!!!! (Srry for everyone that thinks you should be banned i had to say it its just my adhd srryy love you alll if you hate epic!!!)

FireDusty's avatar
replied to krisgowild's discussion  1 year ago

Your completely right man i hate epic why do they even want rocket racing if there are people who like racing games then theil download a racing game they think its nice to add a racing game in fortnite while people could make their own race games with the creative mode but why the f*****g helll would they buy a game to make their own game better and take the bought game down its not fair its already a money facuum the fortnite they need to stop epic i mean its a game but they let sooo many people have a bad feeling because they are sad of the trading thats gone and i hope someone comes in cluth for rocket league i hate epic 😔😔😥😭😭







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