@gameplay_6 You on now?
Can someone help me with the dieci challenge that’s on PS5? That would be extremely helpful. I won’t be on until about 5-7 hours from now.
@baz_ idk if this is a hot take but I don’t care about the gold octane at all, but I’m sure a lot of people would stop their “boycott” for that.
Nice clip, but I really love the preset. I use the same with the Dominus, I love the old Envy decal.
If you’re going to get rid of trading, why not start adding good items to shop? Add better items to the item drops/trade ups as well again. They could easily add painted diecis again or other desirable items to the trade ups/item shop again. Even past items from previous seasons (like how they did a painted poof goal explosion awhile back). I doubt people are buying the same ugly banners, decals, and wheels that have been rotated in and out for years now.
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