
Epic: We don’t care about Rocket League anymore only Fortnite because there are more things to bye, so let’s trash Rocket League so more people playFN and they get more money. Now for the people who still play RL they can’t bye items for cheaper on trading platforms were SOOOOOOOOO smart and kind to the community.

@Itzelakritze it’s true do

Yeah I used to play like all the time but now it’s like, once every like 2 weeks sadly 😩

I haven’t played ranked for so long (I think it’s been 4 or 3 months)

😌 peace and prosperity he has brought upon us all thank you

😌 peace and prosperity he has brought upon us all thank you

Let’s just hope epic have it all planned through

Rl will always be in my memory the way it used to be R.I.P rocket league 😖 I will still play rl but it will Never…. Be the same