
BrickTheBirk's header
Last seen 11 months ago


Epic Games
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on BrickTheBirk's design  2 years ago

would love to change the wheels but it's currently not possible as it's kinda glitching

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on -V3N0M-'s design  2 years ago

White flamethrower is just the best boost

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on Anko_67's design  2 years ago

this is an awesome color combo huge props to you

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on BrickTheBirk's design  2 years ago

Hi and thank you... but i cant help you with that. this design is HEAVILY inspired by another popular skyline design and I just got lucky with the likes. I don't know how so many people liked the design

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on BrickTheBirk's design  2 years ago

@Raiyu also I have asked the original creator about wether I can keep the design uploaded or wether I should delete it. he hasn't yet responded but whatever he says I'll do. so as until then stop hating on me. I will delete the design of he wants me to

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on MiniMann282's design  2 years ago

hello there MiniMann282 so I recently uploaded a design HEAVILY inspired by your skyline design and I've been catching alot of hate for stealing your design. I wanted to change the design up a tiny bit because I wanted to use a variant of it as my main design. but I just didn't love the wheels boost and trail. so I changed those up. my upload was basically for seeing what wheels would fit your design before committing to buying the items in game. so I would love to hear what you have to say and if you think my design should be taken down I'm willing to delete it. if you think it's okay to say up id be very thankful. goodbye!

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on BrickTheBirk's design  2 years ago

Ok so despite my best efforts to inform you guys that this was not my design and that I only created this design for personal use I'm catching alot of hate. However I still belive I'm in the right here. I know the design isnt mine and i know it isn't ok to steal designs for likes but just to make it more clear. I just wanted a good skyline design so I looked up some popular designs and saw MiniMann282s design. I didn't love the wheels the boost and the trail he used so I changed those up to what I think could look good. I crated the design here purely to figure out a wheel combo design combo I would like before actually paying the credits for the wheels Im going to get. there just sadly is no way for me to make a design and not upload it. all designs will be uploaded automatically even the ones only intended for personal use or for just trying out designs before committing to purchasing the items in game

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on BrickTheBirk's design  2 years ago

@Raiyu no I didn't ask people to look at the design

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on BrickTheBirk's design  2 years ago

@Raiyu what's wrong with just trying out this design. you don't have to like it. there is no way for me to make a design and not have it uploaded. I just wanted to make this design for myself and now everyone's hating on me

Design by BrickTheBirk
BrickTheBirk's avatar
commented on BrickTheBirk's design  2 years ago

read the disclaimer before you start hating on me

Design by BrickTheBirk






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