@Blink_RL can we just play for fun then?
@Blink_RL do u play on switch. just wondering since ur platform on rl garage shows nintendo.. i also play on switch.
@Blink_RL thx (btw what's u'r time zone) i just wanna know. Also i cant play right now.. maybe next weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience
@y_no_caca @Blink_RL Can u guys 1v1/2v2/3v3 with me and teach me how to do stuff (in RL) (basic mechs)? My Epic Games Name is: AKA2013. the period is part of it.
@Blink_RL Can we 1v1 sometime? (for fun and if you still have spots for the challenge then for the challenge). My time zone is the Chicago one and I am in Texas.
ok. my epic games name is AKA2013. THE PERIOD IS PART OF IT!
@tide_rll I know I should not be saying anything since I am worse than you but I think that you should improve your kickoff strategy when the ball is straight in front of you.
oh. Do you wanna 1v1 or 2v2 sometime??
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