Are these what were getting at the end of season 16
Cool bug There was a bug where you could change the color of the yelleo on the one hot wheels car but they did patch it
@Starsaurs158 I agree, there's like a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that ChampButSwitch won a SSL tournament this season
First amendment doesnt apply online
I'm not anywhere near GC in rumble and not good but I'd play
@Jaceisme I just said I can recovery pretty good I think people do hold you back to be fair I don't play this game much anymore
@-_-FreePawn and I can get back pretty fast
@-Goose- there's nothing I can do when I'm not back and my teammates can't save a basic shot on the goalline
nah tm8s hold u back in plat
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