

RocketID & site updates

5 years ago by serubi in Site News

Hello everybody,

We want to give you a little update about what we've been working on recently for Rocket League Garage.


As you're probably aware, the highly anticipated Friends update for Rocket League was just released today. It brings true cross-platform parties to life, which we're super excited about!

With this update, Psyonix introduced RocketID, which is a unique ID that anyone can use to send you friend requests.

We want to make it easy for you to share your RocketID on your RLG profile, so others can friend you. Under your account settings, you will see a new section where you can input your unique RocketID. It will be displayed on your public profile, along with your other platform IDs.

Trading Profile pictures

We've made some slight changes to how trades are displayed. You will now see user profile pictures on each trade, to help recognize certain users faster. It also adds a personal touch to the trades, that we think our users will appreciate.

This was suggested by one of our users via our Discord server.

Competitive Season Rewards

Not much to say here, other than the new Season 9 reward items have been added to our item database. These items cannot be traded, however.

New role

We've introduced a new role to the site called Senior Moderator. We have promoted a couple of staff members to this position, at this time. They will influence how moderation is handled, and it is their responsibility to train new moderators to better deal with scam reports. It is our intention to speed up response times for user-submitted reports. 

RLG mobile app

We know… we know… we promised to release our mobile app at the end of 2018, yet nothing has happened. Rest assured that the app is on its way, and will arrive very shortly.

Thanks to all the beta testers for your invaluable help!


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Diamond III · Division I
5 years ago
What's the point of adding your rocket id if you can't trade between platforms? Ps4 to ps4 trades friend people without rocket ids.


5 years ago
All these people asking Psyonix questions.... yikes.

Great work on the site. Love the upgrades you guys made. Can I make one suggestion? Can you add a spot where users can state their location/timezone/state/country/whatever? I'm always getting trade requests from people on the other side of the world while I'm at work and vice versa. It'd be nice to know that if the trade partner is located in a vastly different timezone it may take some planning to make the trade happen.

Thanks! Love the site! Keep up the good work.


5 years ago
10/10 someone stole Squishy's rocket ID


Diamond I · Division II
5 years ago
How do u invite people to join your party when there not your friend??


5 years ago
Can we get trading on psn back to the way it was before this update? I don't see why I have to friend everyone before I can trade with them. Seems like an extra step for no real reason.


5 years ago
Can we trade with people of cross platform. It would be kinda sad if you couldn’t get


5 years ago
is there going to be a way to transfer my account from console to pc?


5 years ago
The damn boost sound ingame doesn't work.


5 years ago
Is the rlg mobile app going to be on iOS?
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