
Dragonhunter666's avatar


9 months ago


Giving up/ Quitting remove from RL

Hello everyone,

I haven't been playing Rocket League that long but I like it. But what really upsets me is that there are always players who give up and leave the game. I've never experienced anything like this in a game before. It's unfair to the team members and distorts the entire match. It is an E Sports team game. If you don't want to play in a team, there is also 1v1. I'll compare reality. Would a Ronaldo or a Messi leave the game? If so, what would it mean for the team and the club? I would remove leaving/giving up completely from the game. What I often notice is that after someone tries to give up, they suddenly say "connection lost";) Yes, of course ;) It's 5 minutes game. Go for it, play it, try your best and still try to win the game. Why do you play this game when you quit or leave? I've often managed to win somehow even after falling behind. It's difficult but possible if everyone joins in and doesn't leave. What do you think about that? Do you agree with me and would you remove/ leave function in RL?

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Diamond I · Division I
9 months ago
I like your sentiment, but i dont think it works in practice. There are so many unhinged ppl playing that we need to have a way out. I do leave matches, but only when i play with my friend and we are SO done, or when i have an actual idiot or psychopath as my teammate. I think a good way to discourage leaving ranked games is to make the penalties much, much more harsh (like 10 min for first leave). I think the penalties should be removed if you are playing casual, bc casual is for fun, and a racist, screaming 9 yo is not fun.


S16 Tournament Winner
9 months ago
adding penalties to casual was one of the worst ideas ever. I play rocket league for fun, and when im not enjoying the game, ill go do something else. Now, I have to suck it up and wait 5 mins. Personally, I'm not a fan of competitive due to the fact that my main goal is to win, not enjoy it. And when you think about it, rank is just a colour when you queue competitive. My fingers hurt from typing lmao


Diamond I · Division I
9 months ago
@ChampButSwitch yeah same, I play almost exclusively casual


Champion I · Division III
S14 Tournament Winner
9 months ago
Idk it’s been a looonnnggg time since leaving has been a problem for me. Haven’t had an issue with that since I was plat. If a tm8 leaves or wants to leave, it’s because we lost


S16 Tournament Winner
9 months ago
it sometimes happens to me, but its so rarely that i dont mind it

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