
Kriksio's avatar


4 years ago


Feature Request
Education for less inteligent and mean users

Hi Im relatively new trader. I've been exchanging for a month and everyday another users anoying me, maks me angry and upset. One third of users RL Garage are good traders but others Two third of users ar mean or just dumb. But where I m going. Everyday write to me many players from psn but I play on PC. I know there is an option to accept peaople msg only from the same platform but I didn't turning on becuse I want to messages with peaople from steam and epic games.  A better way would be to be able to select several platforms from which you receive news. Peoples also they don't look at description when I post all importnat infomation about what I want, my id e.t.c. And now I come to the point. Everyday people write to me insane  messages for exaple.I have accurate trade offers but people still write to me with own prices. I often miss the price but it but it should be a reasonable price. Peaople writes to me with offer 100 les or 100 more credits or they are try to offer my items which I didn't look for. And when I try to be kind they think I m just stoopid and they try to explain me why they price is good and accuratre when it's not. It wouldn't be so irritating if I didn't get dozens of such messages a day.  In next messages I recive everyday I see very good offer and I want do trade but peaople are from psn and I cant. When I try to explain them why we can't do trade and that I am wasting my time writing this to them.They tell me that wasting my time gives them satisfaction. Another uncredible situation when I normally write with someone and I disagree with their offer and they start calling me names and then blocking me.Recently I also noticed that people were writing to me to advertise their channels on YT or Twich.I could go on and on becouse I recived several incredibly stupid or unpleasant messages everyday  but  my feature it has already become long enough. I have three ideas. 1. Way to selec more than 1 platform from which you can receive messages. 2.Bigger and more visable graphic style of offer. 3.Ability to report people as mean, immature, stupid, imposing themselves and their arguments, and advertising their channels and actions.They should receive temporary bans on using the website.I hope you will consider some of my ideas and my opinion will help to improve this site.



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4 years ago
I agree, maybe a rating system to see what sort rept. they have, sorta like commenting on your steam account, I would find that a lot easier than dealing with egos 24/7

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