
spyrosgoat14's avatar


13 days ago



I deserve 100% diam 1 and i have stuck plat 2 cause of my tm8s

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6 days ago
try relying more on being less aggressive if ur tm8s cant save shit and play more 1s so u can have quicker recoveries and better defense thats what helped me get to diamond 2 in 1s and champ 1 in 2s ^^


Diamond I · Division I
Dungeon Master
10 days ago
I'm sorry to be that guy, but the RL ranking system is more accurate and reliable than your insisting on getting a higher rank, however righteous and sincere you are. About half the time, your teammates will be around your skill of better, so you can't only blame them. If, some how, that you are getting paired with bronze and silver players, then you should stop solo-queuing.

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