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5 months ago
I really dont feel like its harder i just feel like each rank have different play styles… trust me ik, i went down to c1 div4 from c3 div3 bc (well i was playing bad) but every time I deranked the play style and gameplay was changing (i got c3 again btw :) )


Grand Champion I · Division I
S14 Grand Champion
5 months ago
Yea the playstyle difference from c1 to c3 is insane, even though c3 is basically c1 with a little more control + less booming the ball, I have problems in c1 and can play normally in c3


Champion I · Division III
5 months ago
@The_Steve and then viioto is fs in gc lobbies with double taps and all and i cant even get a reset since backboard defense and all that


Grand Champion I · Division I
S14 Grand Champion
5 months ago
@Le_B0sS fr that's what I always try to tell diamond who think they are better then me because they can triple flip reset or sum like that...Alright nice you spent 200 hours learning how to do that and now you're still d3. Also you can't use this in a higher ranks because they instantly challenge and score. Congrats, you could've just played 200 hours and you would be c1 for sure but no, learn useless stuff and say "oh no I should be gc and you don't deserve it because I can triple reset and you can't" These flashy things look good yea but get instantly shut down. I can't even flip reset properly in game (most of the time) and still am gc.


Champion I · Division III
5 months ago
@The_Steve i mean like i got to c1 div3 in a day on this account and i was being somewhat flashy since i started from gold to champ and i can tell you the play style, changes every time


Platinum III · Division III
4 months ago
Hey Verizonho I’ve always wondered what the last shot is called. I’ve done it multiple times after timing it perfectly but never know why it works or what it’s called. Would u mind explaining?


Diamond II · Division III
S15 Tournament Winner
4 months ago
i’m diamond but i think that’s cap


Grand Champion III · Division II
4 months ago
U know any rank can be ssl u can have a ssl friend and be c1 and get a ssl torny title most SSLs with torny tiles are boosted or carried only a rare amount got it themselves


Diamond II · Division III
S9 Tournament Winner
4 months ago
You won’t use the dominus but you’ll use the road hog


Champion I · Division III
S14 Tournament Winner
4 months ago
Yep, road hog has octane hitbox and dominus is a annoying car to use for me


Champion I · Division I
4 months ago
I think the road hog has octane hitbox. Realy nice shots

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