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1 year ago
Then what to do with all the credit i sit on? If they launch proper items I will buy


Diamond I · Division II
Player of Games
1 year ago
Epic makes no money on the credits we currently have to get items from the item shop. I'd spend mine in the shop but I'm going to be very picky on what I spend mine on because when they're gone, I wont be buying any credits from Epic.


1 year ago
Don't spend the Credits... in Accounting there are Assets and Liabilities. The credits themselves act like gift cards ( Unlearned Liabilities ). In both GAP and IFRS unspent gift cards (credits) sit on the liabilities part of the balance sheet until they are spent ... at which point they convert to a short term asset (cash).


1 year ago
Don't spend the Credits... in Accounting there are Assets and Liabilities. The credits themselves act like gift cards ( Unlearned Liabilities ). In both GAP and IFRS unspent gift cards (credits) sit on the liabilities part of the balance sheet until they are spent ... at which point they convert to a short term asset (cash).


Diamond II · Division I
1 year ago
@cles Yeh until they put a date on the "gift cards credit (C)" to be spend. Or make up another currency like the Esport Currency (E). A shared platform currency (X) for all new stuff. And put an end to the Credit only to be used to buy all the old items we know.


Diamond II · Division I
1 year ago
@cles I cant see how my credit has any reallife value. All I can buy is digital items without value. Epic can recycle all the zillions of existing items for 1000+ years if they keep showing arround 7 items pr day. And they also relist items multiple times a year, so.... If have credit or items it is all worth 0.


Platinum III · Division I
1 year ago
Yeah it's fine, buy all the stuff you want. Epic don't profit when you give them credits, they profit when you buy credits.


Platinum III · Division I
1 year ago
@23Cire 100% agree with that, the item shop boycott is pointless. What we should be boycotting is the purchase of credits.


Platinum III · Division I
1 year ago
@SolSandVind that would be so bad but it is actually highly likely 😔


Platinum III · Division I
12 months ago
What’s ur rank


Platinum III · Division I
12 months ago
@bendyrhino kind of mid for gc ngl I have diamond friends who do that in comp Still way better than me though 💀


S13 Tournament Winner
12 months ago
@Jeff3358 it’s nothing crazy. But for comp this is pretty nice


Diamond III · Division I
S9 Tournament Winner
12 months ago
@Jeff3358 it’s not about the look, if it gets the job done, it gets the job done

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