

The next chapter

4 years ago by serubi in Site News

Dear RLG traders,

Last Wednesday was a special day for Rocket League trading. Psyonix has released the free to play update for Rocket League, which has introduced significant changes to how trading works (note: Rocket League won't be free to play until Sep. 23rd).

To accommodate this big update, we've made some changes to how our trading system works, as well as updated the appearance of the trades themselves. Below is a summary of all the changes we've made.

Trades Trades redesign

For the first time since the release of RLG trading, we have given the trades a design overhaul. We didn't anticipate the amount of text and buttons to display on each trade when we first made the original (old) trade design. The old design was getting cluttered. The new design fits everything in a much neater way. It might take some time to get used to it, but we think it's worth it!

If you don't dig the smaller items or miss the old item size, don't worry! You can switch to the old item sizes under your account settings.

Multi-platform trades

Cross platform trading is now a thing! When creating or editing a trade, you will now be able to select 1 main platform, and multiple secondary platforms. Consider the main platform as your preferred platform to trade on.

If you don't see the option to select additional platforms when creating a trade, please double check that you have the platform(s) linked to your RLG profile (see account settings).

Before selecting secondary platforms, please verify that you can actually trade on that platform.

Item series

Ever since the Blueprint update, we've wanted to add the option to select the series an item belongs to. Well, it's finally here! Some players prefer items from specific series, so this should satisfy those traders.

Painted & Certified sets

Many traders collect full painted/certified sets of an item. We've added new paint and certification options to mark your item as a complete set. Hopefully, that makes it easier for you to list and find sets 🎉

Item Rarity selection

As most of you know, some Common items become Uncommon or Exotic depending on the paint & certification of the item. And we know many of you look for items with specific rarities. See where we're going with this?

As of today, you can now specify the rarity of your common items. This should make finding a trade partner quicker!

Bonus: Common bodies will automatically display as Import.

Optimizations to the trade creation page

Over the years our trade creation page has become more and more complex. This resulted in a slow trade creation experience. We've optimized the page a lot and should run a lot smoother now!

The item search has also been upgraded with fuzzy search, so it will try to be smart and find items, even if you have a typo in your search query. For example: Searching for "dimonus" will find Dominus GT, and searching for "jger" will find Jäger 619 RS.

Trade Bumping

Trades now have a dedicated Bump button, which will bump the trade to the top of trading. Bumping has a 15-minute cooldown.

This also means editing a trade will no longer bump your trade, and the edit cooldown has therefore been removed.

Infinite scrolling replacing pagination

When browsing trades, you can no longer go to a specific page. We have replaced pagination with infinite scrolling. What that means is, you can no longer reach the end of a page of trades - instead, new trades will be loaded when you reach the bottom!

Trade filter Multi-platform filtering

We want to make it easy to find trades that can be completed on multiple platforms. So, the trade filter now allows you to select multiple platforms.

Credits price range filtering

This has been a long-requested feature, and we're happy to finally bring it to life. You can now filter items by their corresponding Credit value. In order for this to work, trade items must have corresponding Credit items.

For example, if you place Dueling Dragons in the first trade tile in the "Has" section, then the corresponding Credit value must be placed in the first tile in the "Wants" section. Below is a screenshot to demonstrate.

Series filtering

You can now filter based on the Series of an item. This will only work if the trade creator has specified a Series for the item.

Rarity filtering

Certain items can now be filtered by rarity ✨

Additional updates Esports Shop

To complement our Item Shop tracker, we have now also made each Esports Shop rotation accessible from here. This will automatically update every 24 hours, when new items are added.

Item DB

Our Item DB page will display all the items that can be acquired in the different series. So if you're wondering where to find a specific item, or just curious, then visit our Item DB page and click on any blueprint to reveal its available items.

Epic Games

You can now link your Epic Games account to your RLG profile. To link your Epic Games account, visit your account settings.

RLGarage App Anniversary

Last month marked the one year anniversary for our mobile app. The app has grown significantly since release, and we have many more features coming! It is incredible to see how many of you rely on our app every day, and we're truly honored!

Just for fun, we thought we'd share some stats from the past year:

Over 325,000 active users on AndroidOver 357,000 active users on iOS
In-App item details

Our mobile app now features an item detail screen that shows additional information about a trade item, such as prices from RL Insider, and if the item has been in the Item Shop lately.

We have done our best to be prepared for this big update, but we expect there to be a few issues, which we will iron out in the next few days. During the next weeks or months, we will keep a close eye on how the Rocket League trading scene evolves and we will make adjustments to RLG trading as necessary. Your feedback is very much appreciated!


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2 years ago


Diamond III · Division II
2 years ago





2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago
I don’t have enough time to spam that


2 years ago


2 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago
“New” it was 1 year ago lol


3 years ago
alguém quer trocar comigo mano tem um Senac Branco aí eu queria ver tenho um negócio a explosão do dragão Belém tem que se trocar comigo eu posso trocar se for para um fundo aqui laranja eu troco aí também se for uma roda branca também troco aí você se vocês quiser alguém pode trocar comigo tem uns quinzão


3 years ago
Very good price range


3 years ago
bonjour mi cabezza hurts


4 years ago
good update im just startin butit seems nice


4 years ago
what body of car is on that thumbnail picture


S6 Blizzard Wizard
4 years ago
Awesome features, clever thinking, and very big applause for listening to the community needs! Thumbs up :)


4 years ago
"loading more" button doesnt load anything after 2-3 "pages" =


4 years ago
this will be an awsome update


4 years ago
Awesome Update, especially separate edit and bump system. Keep it up guys!


4 years ago
And price range its just 10/10


4 years ago
Awesome! And you add new items!

Also would be great if filters like "exotic offer" and etc could collect data of every exotic stuff and not just "exotic offer" position, so if you are selling few different exotic wheels and let's say also exotic body and decal maybe, anyone can find your trade with searching "exotic offer" even if you dont have this position in your trade.

Also pagination was good. You could skip few pages, because you know those (for example)first 50 trades


4 years ago
damnnnnn nice update, keep up the good work rl garage!
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