

Rocket League upcoming patch & DLC – UPDATE

10 years ago by serubi in Rocket League News

With over 4 million downloads across PlayStation 4 and PC, over 183,000 concurrent players, and a whole lot of bread; Psyonix is almost ready to push out a major patch, followed by two DLC packages.

This article will focus on everything you need know about the upcoming patch & DLC's, and other interesting facts.

The upcoming patch will include the following:

Player's win/loss ratio on the stats page will now be displayed as a win percentage instead [source]

A "Mouse Sensitivity" setting in the options menu for PC users [source]

Fixed the "Virtuoso" achievement not unlocking on PC [source]

Fixed item tracking stats for online games [source]

Punishments for players who leave during ranked matches [source] (not 100% confirmed for the next patch)

UPDATE: Bots will adjust skill levels to match the average skill level of players currently in the game [source]

Psyonix has also announced a couple of things they plan on releasing or working on in the near future. Things such as:

3v3 team ranked [source]

A spectator mode [source]

Solution for playing with friends on other platforms [source]

"Thanks For Not Killing Us" items for players who suffered from the server outages [source 1] [source 2] - One of these items include skull wheels [view here]

The two DLC packages, which are set to release in a couple of weeks, include:

Free Utopia-inspired map DLC Pack: The map will not have a circular form (like it did in SARPBC), but will rather have a regular stadium-type form [source]

Paid "Supersonic Fury" DLC Pack: Includes two new vehicles. The concept render for the first vehicle can be viewed here. The second vehicle will be a muscle car [source]
UPDATE: Second vehicle can now be seen here.

Pearlescent paint is also in the works, and is said to be released in the first DLC pack [source]

That concludes all the new features in the upcoming updates for Rocket League.

If we missed anything, feel free to contact serubi here.

EDIT: This is not an official changelog. Just a list of things we were able to find on Twitter and Psyonix Forum.

UPDATE: We misunderstood the crossplatform matchmaking tweet. Psyonix is working on a solution to let friends who play on different platforms play together. We're sorry if we confused somebody in talking about crossplatform parties. A solution for playing together could be something like this idea from witnessmenow: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/3cuan7/idea_for_the_cross_play_party_issue/


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4 years ago
why does that takumi have a spoiler that looks different than the new one


10 years ago
How to dowload this game pl ?


10 years ago
is the patch going to help with the rubber banding from high CPU servers?


10 years ago
@controlled pairs. Oh yeah, absolutely. That would save my workflow quite a bit.


10 years ago
When do we start playing this?


10 years ago
When do we start playing this?


10 years ago
The trophy Far Far Away is broken. I unlocked it at around 60km. Other than that the game is fantastic! Keep up the good work.


10 years ago
The trophy Far Far Away is broken. I unlocked it at around 60km. Other than that the game is fantastic! Keep up the good work.


10 years ago
Cross play matchmaking with friends (parties) was never announced to be coming in the near future, only cross play with friends in private matches.


10 years ago
I thought there were going to be stability fixes to address crashes on PC...no mention of that. Do we know if that's still in the works for this patch?


10 years ago
when the patch will be available ? just wait to play with my friend :/ there is a date plsssss ??????


10 years ago
Some truly awesome updates. Thanks for putting it all in one place! As a video creator, I'm hoping that Psyonix will allow us to name our video saves in game so that I can organize my clips. Editing would be SO much easier.


10 years ago
nice guys your doing great
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