

Fantasy RLCS - Season 4

7 years ago by QuestFerret in Site News

Hey everyone, our Fantasy RLCS game for Season Four is live!

If you want to delve into the details about what’s going on this season, check out the FAQ page on our new Fantasy mini site. Otherwise, read on (or, as I suspect you might, jump into the site straight away by clicking here and disregard all of this).

Here’s a summary of what’s new this season:


Now that the OCE league play schedule (almost) matches the European and North American League Play, we’ve incorporated their eight RLCS teams into the league this season! They won’t be playing for week one of the game, so be wary about picking them from the start, but to make up for it gameweek six will be OCE week. You’ll get unlimited transfers to pick a squad from the OCE RLCS, so pay attention and see who’s doing well if you want to do well.


You asked for it, and now it’s an option! You’ll be able to make one transfer per week to swap out an underperforming player or one with few games for a better option. Once you’ve used your weekly transfer, it’s gone though, so plan carefully!

The Bench

This season you’ll need to pick seven players, but only six of those will play in a given week. The bench spot is a great place to put a player who has fewer matches in the upcoming gameweek, or to put a backup in case one of your starting lineup isn’t able to play. If both a starter and your sub don’t play, you won’t get any points for that starting spot that week.


You can now create mini-leagues with your friends. Standard leagues are just a smaller version of the leaderboards, where you’ll be matched up based on points scored over the course of the season. Head to head leagues have fixtures generated at the start of week one, and you’ll play against another member of your league that week

And more!

I think. It’s late and this has taken a lot of work to prepare so if you want to know more, head in the direction of the FAQ page or just make a team and get a feel for the new site. If you have any questions that aren’t answered there, tweet them to us at @RLGarage and we’ll try to get back to you.


Good luck, have fun, and we hope you enjoy season four of our Fantasy RLCS game!


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6 years ago
Is there going to be fantasy RL for season 5??


7 years ago
This is awesome. Is there any way to create co-owners of the leagues? Would like to make it easier to accept people to the league.


7 years ago
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