Feature Request
Season 4 add-ons
Hire Lethamyr (This person has been carrying the entire rocket league maps in a studio of RL maps creator soo why don't you actually speak out to him and say; hello Lethamyr we are looking to hire you for our maps... we have decided to hire you because we Pysonix have looked into your youtube videos and we are surprised by the number of maps you have built), bring workshop maps to consoles , bring in new cars , don't bring in painted cars available in the item shop!! (look if you bring in coloured cars then that defeats the purpose of trading and a huge number of people want to trade because they want to try and earn those items from trade-ups not from purchasing from the item shop so please do not bring printed cars into the item shop), bring creative mode (RL content creators have been praying that you bring creative mode so they can try and score and after the goal is scored they then have to try and save it so it is a little bit like Defence and Offence mixed in one training source) And Lastly please, please bring around the world discoveries so you have to start from your region and every round you win you go to the next region and when you lose you go to the last region you played in... so please if you wouldn't mind doing at least a few of these or at least Creative Mode & Around The World and No painted cars in the item shop then that would make the community come back together and start grinding trading and ranking up all over again and make it more fun for new people instead of repeating content because whenever you repeat content the content creators on YT repeat their content.
Your Player Sincerely, Viser_GamingYT
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